Friday, May 21, 2010

Which LOST character are you??

Lost is coming to its' glorious end this upcoming Sunday (May 23rd). In dedication to the past five years of viewership for this show, I will present my first true blog.

Here are three quizzes I advise everyone to take in preparation for the final episode. I always wondered if I was put on the island who I would have sided with, Jack or Locke. Well according to the results of all 3 of these quizzes, I fall under being a combination of Jack and Sayid. So I guess we're going with Jacob and the good guys.

I'm not sure what the results exactly mean. I assume that I most closely resemble a doctor who is constantly spurned by his love interest, all the while being a trained assassin.

I'd like to believe that most of my friends would agree with this assessment. The giving nature of Jack, with a little bit of the quiet insanity that Sayid displays. People often have said I'm difficult to read, and I think that fits Sayid to a T. The only difference being I'd never go after Shannon, because, quite simply, she's blonde. Don't hate me because of it, blame my sisters.

I'd be interested to get everyone else's take on this, and what their results are.


  1. i got sayid, walt, and jack. hm.

  2. I'm apparently Boone with a lot of Locke.
    I expected to be more Sawyer, based on my answers, but I don't put any faith in the validity of these "quizzes."

    They're basically all the same. Answer a few questions about your personality using obvious examples that identify which characters personality they're comparing you to, and you can almost always get close to the characters you want.

    Question 1. I'm an amazing Dr. Seriously?

  3. Are you just angry you didn't get to be the badass of the show?

    Instead you got equal parts pretty-boy and insane old guy? Haha.

  4. Yes. Haha. I don't mind the Boone or Locke references individually, but I really did think my breakdown would look more like this:
    Sawyer, Hurley, Locke, Jack, Boone, Sayid.

    Oh well, what did anyone else get?
    Is anyone still reading this thread?

  5. Well, it could have been worse. In the OK Cupid version, I'm definitively....Kate.

    (in the other one, Kate was third, but I didn't tell anyone)
