Monday, September 20, 2010

Danger on the highway

You've seen it all the time on VH-1, E!, or A&E, shows detailing terrible inventions, ideas and creations. However, for the 21st Century, I'm here to present to you an invention so bad, the government should be banning these.

The GPS, otherwise known as the Global Positioning System.

Now before you start thinking, "here he goes again ranting and raving", hear me out. You may not realize it, but this device is causing the increase in road rage, crashes, and motor-vehicle fatalities.

The government would have you believe it's the talking on a handset for your cell-phone. I think we've mastered the use of the two motor-skills, talking and driving at the same time. It's no different than walking and talking on a phone. You're using one sensory skill (sight) to drive and another (hearing/speech) to talk on the phone. Sure, they're both utilizing the brain, but it's what we simpletons would like to call "multi-tasking".

The true error is the crowd that tries to text or utilize these Death Maps (Garmin I'm looking your way).

It becomes even more dangerous when people both listen to the voice and look at the screen on the GPS. Drivers will look at the screen, look aimlessly outside for signs and then look back at the screen. Did you notice where they aren't paying attention? ON THE ROAD. It's impossible to split your sight into two, unless of course you're a chameleon. Trying to utilize the same brain function for two items = burning car crash.

Today I drew the line on the way to work. I can only estimate how many times I've seen people swerve suddenly into the right lane because they realize they're missing their exit. I'd estimate this number to be near 100 in the past month. No joke.

The issue isn't the device itself, but people relying so heavily on this voice to tell them when to turn and not realizing 100 yards come pretty damn quickly when you're traveling 50 mph. If they simply switched it to voice only, most problems would be solved.

Much like cell-phones have allowed people to google information from anywhere in the world, the GPS has accomplished the same for directions. Just because something has the ability, doesn't mean you should use it's full ability.

The GPS is supposed to be an aid not a guide. People used to be able to plan their trips ahead of time, look at maps and write down directions. At this point you had a general idea where to go and only occasionally had to read off this paper. Nowadays, people think, "I'll just use my GPS and take a back way!". In small-town Kansas this may work. But when you drive in a city in which traffic is rated third worst in the nation, you need to know where you're going beforehand!! I've seen cars apparently out for a leisurely drive during rush hour.

You can easily identify who is using their GPS as a crutch, because they're the idiots doing about 35-40 on I-495, in the left lane. Why? Well because the pleasant British Lady inside their turn-by-turn direction guide is telling her the exit is coming up soon. Or they're the people who are riding two lanes when the split is the road is about to come up.

The Government regulated seat belts for safety because of crashes. Then they regulated texting and talking on the phone. Hell, they've regulated food in school cafeterias because we can't tell Timmy no to his 3rd serving of Mexican Pizza.

Well what ever happened to Geography? The general population must learn how to read and interpret maps. Doesn't it make you wonder when people can't even identify which coast the Atlantic Ocean is on. Or how about, if I was traveling from PA to California, which direction would I be heading? The people who rely on GPS are the same buffoons who cannot correctly answer these questions. Yet I'm led to believe they are mature enough to operate a 4,000 pound piece of equipment??


I won't even mention how the most common reason for car break-ins is to steal these same devices. Because really, if those with an IQ below 50 and a car already own one, why can't the poor, destitute common thief have one as well??

Have I made my point yet or are you thinking,


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