Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day was dominated

Fresh off the 3 day weekend, which seemed like one non-stop day, here's some food for thought.

-Capital Skyline Hotel throws an amazing pool party. At 12:30 pm there was already music blaring, drinking/BBQ'ing, and scantily-clad people everywhere. If they only renovated the hotel, they could become the SW version of the "W" Hotel.

-Speaking of the scantily-clad, after discussing opinions of what bathing suits guys prefer on women, I quietly noted that the wrong crowd wears what I call the "Pregnancy" bikini. You seemingly notice women who are in-shape sporting it, but those who think a Gym, is a name of a guy, have no problem wearing Euro-style suits.

-I'm not sure if I'll ever get used to the dudes wearing the Banana boats. Unless this is a bodybuilding competition, there is no need to be wearing that in public...Just the thought makes me shudder. At this point I wish I was drunk!

-Attended a friend's BBQ on Sunday night and was having an amazing time, when I thought I was about to see a suicide attempt. This woman thought it was a great idea to storm off, jump the railing, put both hands on the ledge and.........sit down. This is about the only negative of ever hosting a Rooftop party. Next time leave the crazy at home!

-Walking from Chinatown to Columbia Heights isn't too bad (2.9 miles). However about halfway through the walk at 2:30 am, after about 8 police cars buzzed by, I thought "do I have a better chance of making it home alive or the Pirates having a winning season?". I felt better immediately afterwards.

-Celebrated a year anniversary of my amazing tan lines on Monday. No one can say I haven't tried to get rid of them. They've survived two beach trips and the recent 5 hour excursion at the pool. After they solve this BP Oil Crisis, perhaps the US Government should focus their attention on this...

-The Chicago Blackhawks (NHL) are up 2-0 in their series after Monday. The only sporting event that could beat this is watching Kevin Garnett scream "ANYTHING IS POSSIBBBBBBBBLAAAAAH"

-I take that back, Jan. 1, 2011, will crush it by comparison. Pens vs Caps at Heinz Field...Where do I sign up????

-Last year was Michael Jackson, this year Gary Coleman and Corey Haim. If I'm Maculy Culkin, I'm in full on panic mode right now. (NOTE: Put your money on him in the 2011 Celebrity Poll)

-DON'T ICE ME BRO!!! http://brosicingbros.com/

-Buy stock immediately this second in Smirnoff, Bacardi and Mike's Hard Lemonade.

1 comment:

  1. That's hilarious you mention bro icing bro's. I heard about it last week and in Dewey it was spreading like wildfire. People were getting iced everywhere. When we went to the liquor store EVERYONE in line had a 6 pack of Smirnoff. The guy at the cashier said he's never sold this many Smirnoff Ice's in one weekend.
