Friday, June 4, 2010

Don't piss on my head and tell me it's raining....

Obama nation is slowly turning each day into a Jim Jones cult. With this BP Oil Crisis, it's becoming more and more prevalent. In the beginning, we were willing to give him a pass, because he had to "clean up" the mess GW Bush left us with. People would argue to me all the time, "anything is better than another Republican President".

So I ask, when do we stop drinking the Kool-Aid and realize what's going on? This isn't meant stir panic like Glenn Beck, it's an honest question. Do we realize how long this event has been going on? It started back on April 20th, and by the looks of it, it'll at least be June 20th, before anything has been resolved.

Two months of oil leaking out into the water, towards Louisiana and affecting not only the Ecosystem, but the Fishing industry as well. People flipped out when Bush did not respond to the Hurricane Katrina quickly enough. It was less than TWO WEEKS, before the Southeast area was flooded (pardon the pun) with supplies, volunteers and benefit concerts. From my view, Obama STILL has not done anything to quell this disaster. Again, some will argue this is not affecting people's lives, and thus does not require immediate response. It is and will affect lives, and two months later, you're still dragging your feet? Pick it up man!

The Unemployment rate is still sky high at 9.7. When he took over the office of President, the rate was 8.2, and it's high mark was at 10% in November-December. Most of the jobs he has introduced recently, have been temporary assignments. Argue you all you want about GWB, but while he was in office the high mark was 7.4 and that was the December before he left office.

Listen, I want Obama to succeed and become this President that unites the country. However, his decision making, authority, and responsiveness has been questionable for much of the first year and a half of his Presidency. Yet, people are still quiet and mum on any flaws he may have.

This isn't a race thing, but Obama needs to start focusing on actual issues. I give him praise for pushing through Health Care reform (even though it should have been passed back when Clinton introduced it). Otherwise, I'm seeing goose-eggs up on the scoreboard. Stop trying to be the friendly, funny, sports-enthusiast President, and focus on getting things done. Be that A-hole needed to put the fear of God in BP and Wall Street. No one wants to look back on your term and think, "he didn't get much done, but he was a nice guy". As we all know, nice guys finish last.

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