Monday, April 5, 2010

Hot town summer in the city....

The gorgeous weather outside brings about many things in the DC area; girls in dresses, cherry blossom festival, baseball, girls in skirts, outdoor markets, girls in anything short, and of course the heat!.

Now normally warm weather is a great thing and I'd never think of complaining about DC weather, especially after coming from a place where we had the 2nd FEWEST amount of sunny days. Something just needs to be done as a pre-caution for other Metro riders. They need to enforce a policy that you may not enter a metro without some form of deodorizer. Whether that be deodorant, perfume, cologne, body spray, SOMETHING for god's sake.

Being on the Redline and them not having any air circulation (another mystery) and standing next to someone who's been walking/running all day and clearly didn't think to apply anything that morning, almost made me view my breakfast again. I cannot fathom what goes through someone's head where they go outside without it. I mean in winter you bundle up, and there are many layers for the odor to penetrate through. In the summertime, when people have their arms up, there is no protection between you and the Venomous fumes.

Instead of having all these billboards for laptops and what not, they should have huge ads for Sure!. Remember those old commercials (Sure sure sure...Unsure?). It should even go so far as to have a guard-dog there whose sole responsibility is to smell people. Train the dog to go ballistic when someone approaches the station without the necessary protection.

It's not rude to tell a friend if they stink, you're saving them from embarrassing themselves in society. It's no different than fresh breath, so keep that can of spray handy and arm yourselves against the criminals of the world!

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